Fill out and submit the award application.

Texas REALTORS® presents the Distinguished Service Award in recognition of a member’s career service to the real estate industry and the community.

Nomination Guidelines and Qualifications

The candidates nominated for this honor must have made significant industry contributions throughout their career and are also judged on their participation in local activities and civic organizations. These leaders are true professionals and outstanding citizens of their community.

  1. No more than two REALTORS® may be honored each year. The recipient(s) are selected by the DSA / REALTOR® of the YEAR committee, who will name one, two or no recipients based on the nominations submitted by local associations.
  2. Past presidents/chairman of Texas REALTORS® and previous recipients of the Distinguished Service Award or the REALTOR® of the YEAR honor are not eligible to receive the Distinguished Service Award.
  3. The Distinguished Service Award shall be presented by the immediate past chairman of Texas at the annual conference.
  4. The Distinguished Service Award recipient shall have a minimum of 25 years of service within the real estate industry and shall currently be a REALTOR® member with an active real estate license. Years of service while a member of another state/local association are accepted.
  5. Only one nominee from each local association will be considered, but an association other than his or her own may nominate the candidate. The nominating association may contact the candidate to secure the information required to complete the nomination. There shall be no campaigning for this award.
  6. Letters of endorsement and/or recommendation in support of this candidate will be accepted from the president and/or association executive of the nominating and/or primary association ONLY. Letters can be mailed to Texas REALTORS® by the nomination deadline. Additional recommendations should not be solicited or submitted.
  7. A recent photograph is required in a digital format or if none is available, a photograph can be mailed to Texas REALTORS® by the nomination deadline.
  8. Following the nomination process each year, all nominations, other than those selected, will be discarded and will not be automatically considered the following year. Candidates will only be considered if a new nomination is submitted.

The Distinguished Service Award is based on the following criteria:

Local Service (30%)

Include all contributions and service at the state level, i.e. committee assignments, special assignments, participation in PAC activities, meeting attendance, offices held, seminar activity, education work,  membership and offices held in local chapters of the institutes or other related organizations.

State Service (30%)

Include all Texas REALTORS® contributions and service at the state level, i.e. committee assignments, attendance at annual meetings, and offices held. Participation in legislative assemblies, calls-to-action, PAC events, seminars, educational programs as an instructor or monitor, in-town and out-of-town visits to other associations, membership in affiliated organizations and other state-sponsored activities.

National Service (10%)

Include all NAR contributions and service, i.e. committee assignments, participation in work group and/or task forces, service as a legislative liaison, participation in calls-to-action, consistent attendance at NAR meetings such as conventions, Hill Visits, or other national meetings, offices held, membership held in any of the institutes, societies or councils, visits made to out-of-Texas associations as speaker or guest and any other national-level activity.

Civic Activities (15%)

List activities or involvement with Chamber of Commerce work, religious and cultural contributions to the community, public welfare, campaigns, political offices held (with or without pay). Examples include city council, commissioner’s court, school boards, planning commission, etc.

Individual Accomplishments (15%)

List contributions that have enhanced the image of the real estate professional, the industry and/or include examples of the nominee’s participation as a mentor or role model to new members at the local, state, or national level.

Applications will be reviewed by the selection committee and the nominating association will be contacted by mid-August to coordinate plans for the presentation.