David Gibbs, Hahn Public, 512-826-0754

Texas Remains Third Most Popular State for International Homebuyers

Texas REALTORS® releases 2022 edition of the Texas International Homebuyers Report

October 13, 2022 — Austin

International homebuyers purchased 7,888 homes in Texas from April 2021 to March 2022, according to the Texas International Homebuyers Report released today by Texas REALTORS®.

The Lone Star State ranked third in the nation, behind Florida and California, for homes sold to international buyers. Texas accounted for 8% of all homes purchased by international homebuyers out of the 98,600 sold nationwide. International home purchases decreased 7.9% in the U.S. compared to last year’s report.

“Texas remains one of the most desirable destinations for people looking to purchase a home in the United States,” said Russell Berry, chairman of Texas REALTORS®. “The region of origin for homebuyers choosing Texas had a noticeable swing this reporting period. Historically, the largest number of homebuyers purchasing in Texas from outside of the United States are from the Latin America and Caribbean region. While that is still true, European homebuyers nearly closed the gap this past year.”

Thirty-one percent of international homebuyers in Texas came from the Latin America/Caribbean region, and 27% originated from Europe. Texas was the top destination for international homebuyers from Mexico. Of all homebuyers from Mexico purchasing a home in the U.S., 22% bought a home in Texas. Among buyers from Columbia, 11% chose Texas.

On the commercial real estate side, Texas was second only to Florida for the most popular U.S. state for international buyers who work with REALTORS®, according to the 2022 Commercial Real Estate International Business Trends report from the National Association of REALTORS®.

Berry concluded, “International buyers of U.S. real estate have proven to be an important aspect of our Texas market. It is our charge as Texas REALTORS® to continue to provide the professionalism and expertise to help international real estate buyers navigate their real estate transactions in the Lone Star State.”

About the Texas International Homebuyers Report

The Texas REALTORS® International Residential Transactions Report is designed to gather information about international residential real estate transactions of Texas REALTORS® members during a one-year period that ends in March each year. Survey research was provided by the National Association of REALTORS® Research Group.