Realtor Profile Picture
James Thomas

Designations: ABRM, CRB, CRS, GRI, SRS, TAHS, TRLS

San Angelo Real Estate
San Angelo
(325) 942-5478

Mobile: (325) 277-5478

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23 Years in the local Banking Industry-former Senior Vice President at San Angelo National Bank. 11 Real Estate Certifications and Designations as follows: ABR -Accredited Buyer Representative ABRM-Accrediited Buyer Representative Manager CRB-CertifiedRea

About Me

Broker-Co-Owner,ABR,ABRM,CRB,CRS,GRI,SRES.My wife and I grew up in San Angelo and have been actively involved in the community. I and my Wife have been Past -President of the San Angelo Association of Realtors and served on numerous Committees. I have ser

My Market Areas

Concho, Crockett, Irion, McCulloch, Nolan, Reagan, Runnels, Schleicher, Sterling, Sutton, Tom Green

ZIP Codes

76821, 76837, 76861, 76866, 76875, 76901, 76902, 76903, 76904, 76905, 76906, 76907, 76908, 76909, 76932, 76933, 76934, 76935, 76936, 76937, 76941, 76943, 76945, 76950, 76951, 76958, 79506


Ballinger, Big Lake, Blackwell, Brady, Bronte, Carlsbad, Christoval, Colorado City, Concho Valley, Eden, Eldorado, Eola, GAFB, Goodfellow, AFB, Harriet, Mertzon, Miles, Ozona, Paint Rock, Robert Lee, Rowena, San Angelo,TX, Sonora, Sterling City, Sweetwater, Veribest, Water Valley, Winters


Buyers and Sellers


English, Spanish